About Masai Mara

What have you heard about the world’s famous Masai Mara ?

From the Great Migration to close encounters with African big cats to the thrilling game drives, the Masai Mara is a must-visit destination for every safari traveller.

Why visit Masai Mara?

Close your eyes and visualize wildlife grazing in front of you. The feeling can’t be explained. Masai Mara is known for the highest concentration of wild animals in the world. However, there’s more to the Masai Mara than endless plains.

The Great Wildebeest Migration in Masai Mara

Annually from July through October, the Masai Mara becomes the most talked about spectacular wildlife show on earth – the breath-taking Great Migration is a sight to behold as wildebeest move across the plains from Serengeti to Masai Mara in search of food and water.

African Big Cats

As the wildebeest migrate, the African big cats come to life. The migration provides a perfect preying ground for them. Lions, leopards, and cheetahs grow stronger during this time of year and are able to have healthy little ones with plenty of food to grow.

Masai Mara landscape

The Masai Mara was named after the Maasai community, a local community in Kenya. ‘Mara’ means ‘spotted’ in the Maasai (Maa) language. Upon visiting the Masai Mara, it won’t be hard to understand how this area got its name. The Greater Masai Mara ecosystem is massively bordered by the Serengeti in the south and to the north, east and west lie Maasai ranches. The Mara has three rivers, Sand, Talek, and Mara.

Hot Air Ballooning

This is a magical experience that gives you a panoramic view of the reserve as it glides through the air. The hot air balloon sets off at dawn, giving you front-row seats to a breath-taking sunrise.


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